Want to make beans on toast that doesn’t taste like you just poured it out of a can bit is also incredibly quick and easy to pull together? Look no further. This beans on toast only has a few ingredients, tastes really fresh, and can be made in one pot. it’s the perfect breakfast / brunch.

Beans on Toast

Prep Time: 5 Mins

Cook Time: 25 Mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 4


  • Onion - 1

  • Garlic - 1 tbsp (c.3 cloves) finely diced

  • Tinned / Jarred White Haricot Beans - 600g drained

  • Chopped Tinned tomatoes - 800g

  • Sun Dried Tomato Paste - 90g (buy the best quality you can)

  • Dijon Mustard - 1 tbsp

  • Olive Oil or Butter - to cook the onions in

Base & Toppings

  • White Bread - 4 slices

  • (Optional) Grated Cheese

  • (Optional) Panko Breadcrumbs

  • (Optional) Hot Sauce


Beans On Toast Step One - The Base

Finely dice the onion and add it to a pan with a glug of olive oil or knob of butter.

Cook on a low heat stirring occasionally until the onions have browned, add the diced garlic and cook for another 5 mins.


Beans On Toast Step Two - Full of Beans

Add to onion-garlic mix the tinned tomatoes, sun dried tomato paste, and mustard and cook on a low-medium heat until steam starts to rise. Taste and season (if you really like mustard then add some more at this stage).

Add the beans and on a low-medium heat warm through for around 5 minutes.


Beans On Toast STEP Three - Beans on Toast

With the beans cooking, toast your bread. If using panko breadcrumbs then fry with a little butter or oil and seasoning on a medium heat, turning regularly until crispy brown.

Serve the beans on toast and top with the breadcrumbs, some grated cheese, and some seasoning.

And that’s in, hope you enjoy!