This carrot and coriander soup recipe is vegetarian (and can easily be vegan) and a great soup winter warmer. Packed with carrots and coriander, this quick and easy to make soup is creamy, slimming, and warming and will have everyone reaching for another bowl!

Carrot & Coriander Soup Recipe

Prep Time: 30 Mins

Cook Time: 45 Mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 4 bowls


  • Carrots - 500g (chopped)

  • Onion - 1 large

  • Sweet Potato - 1 large (chopped)

  • Garlic - 3 cloves

  • Butter - 25g

  • Olive Oil - 50g

  • Coriander - 1 large bunch

  • Ground Coriander - 1 tsps

  • Vegetable stock pot - 2 pots (or 3 cubes)

  • Spring onions - 2 to 3

  • [Optional] - sprinkling of feta to serve


Carrot & Coriander Soup Step One - Coriander Oil

First up is to make coriander oil. It’s simple, place two-thirds of the coriander in the blender with the oil and blend until fully combined.


Carrot & Coriander Soup Step Two - It’s Straining

place the coriander / oil mix in a fine sieve, muslin, or coffee filter paper over a bowl and allow to slowly strain (it’ll take some time…).

Whilst that’s happening, you can get on with the soup.


Carrot & Coriander Soup STEP Three - Soup Base

For the base of the soup, slice up the onion and add it to a big pan with the butter.

Season and cook on a low to medium heat, add the garlic cloves after around 5 minutes of cooking.


Carrot & Coriander Soup STEP Four - Carrot TIme

Once the onions have taken on some colour, add the chopped carrots, chopped sweet potato, and ground coriander.

Continue to cook on a low to medium heat for another 5-10 minutes to take on some colour.

Once the carrots have started to brown, add boiling water and the stock cubes. Continue to boil until the carrots are softened (about 30 minutes).

Blend the mix into soup, either using a blender or hand blender, mixing in the remaining fresh coriander (tip: leave a tiny bit of coriander for the garnish)


Carrot & Coriander Soup STEP Five - Garnishes

Very thinly slice 2 to 3 spring onions along their length, cutting in half, then in half again.

Put in a tray an in an over at 120°C (100°C for non-fan ovens) for around 10 minutes until they’ve de-saturated.


Carrot & Coriander Soup STEP SIX - Bringing it All Together

Carrot and Coriander Soup

Heat the blended soup back up, place into a bowl and garnish the soup with your de-saturated spring onions, coriander oil that’s been straining, seasoning, and if you’re using it a little feta.

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!