Crab Mac and Cheese Recipe

Take American's powerhouse of Mac & Cheese and ignite it with the best of what we in Europe have to offer; the lightness of Italian prosecco, the fondue nostalgia of Swiss gruyere, sweet crab meat from our very own British coast, all served in a roast French camembert. This crab mac and cheese recipe is perfect for anywhere from a dinner party starter to a Winter date night special.

Prep Time: 1hr

Cook Time: 30 Mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: Makes 4


  • Camembert - 2 whole

  • Gruyere Cheese - 200g

  • Prosecco - 250ml (or Cava)

  • Macaroni - 250g

  • Shallots - 5 to 6 (or 1 onion)

  • Garlic - 1 bulb

  • Double Cream - 100ml

  • Dijon Mustard - 2 tsp

  • Butter - 2 tbsp

  • 1 Lemon

  • Parsley - 1 bunch flat leaf

  • Crab Meat - 150g (white & Brown Meat)

  • White Wine Vinegar - 4 tbsp

  • Croutons or Breadcrumbs - a handful

  • Seasoning - Salt & Pepper


Crab Mac and Cheese Step One - ONion and Garlic

Pre-heat the oven to 180°c (350°f, Gas Mark 4). Then cut off the top of the garlic bulb and remove any loose layers of skin. Put the garlic onto a sheet of foil (big enough to wrap it in), sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper over it, and place a teaspoon of butter on top.

Wrap it in the foil and place in the oven for 45 minutes, until it caramelises.

Then very thinly chop the shallots and add them to a pan with a tablespoon of butter and a pinch of salt and pepper. Cook on a very low heat stirring occasionally until the they brown (should be around 25 minutes).


Crab Mac and Cheese Step Two - Camembert Cases

While the shallots and garlic are cooking, it's time to hollow out the camembert to make the cases for the Mac & Cheese.

Take your time; slice off the top rind and then using a teaspoon, very gently remove the soft inner cheese and place it into a bowl. Be careful not to puncture the base of the cheese.

Once the cheeses are hollowed, set aside for later. 

It's also worth cooking the macaroni in boiling water at this stage. Once cooked, drain and also set aside for later.




Crab Mac and Cheese STEP Three - Make the Sauce

Once the onions are cooked through, turn up the heat in the pan to as high as it goes and wait until you can hear sizzling. Then pour the prosecco into the pan. It should make a loud hiss, steam and release incredible charred onion smells into the kitchen.

Let the prosecco boil down until it reduces to half the amount of liquid. Then turn the heat back down to low and add the camembert you set aside earlier, grate in the gruyere, and mix in a couple of teaspoons of dijon mustard.

Once melted together, turn off the heat and stir in the cream.




Crab Mac and Cheese STEP Four - Add the Crab and Mac

Stir into the sauce the macaroni, crab meat, juice of the lemon, the chopped roast garlic, and the white wine vinegar.

Taste the mixture and add more seasoning, mustard, or white wine vinegar as required. The sourness of the vinegar will cut through the bitterness of the camembert and crab - so if too cheesey / bitter, stir in a teaspoon of vinegar at a time until you're happy with the taste.


Crab Mac and Cheese STEP Five - Cook and serve

Using a spoon (or a clean hand) pack the pasta and sauce into the camembert cases. They can now rest until you are ready to cook them.

Once ready, crush the croutons into breadcrumbs and sprinkle over the top of the macaroni.

Place the camembert on a tray and bake in an over at 180°C fan (350°F, Gas Mark 4) for 25-30 minutes until golden and hot through.

And that's it. Hope you enjoy!