Hot Cross Bun Recipe

An Easter recipe favourite, this hot cross bun recipe is super easy to make, loaded with citrus and apple flavours, and glazed with a smidgen of apricot jam. They’re fun to make, and even more to eat! Also - for a little twist, you can always blend a touch of bourbon with the apricot glaze.

Prep Time: 2 hours

Cook Time: 20 mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 6 Hot Cross Buns


For the Buns:

  • White bread flour - 275g

  • Sugar - 40g

  • Orange Zest - 3 oranges

  • Lemon Zest - 2 lemons

  • Ground Cinnamon - 1 tsp

  • Salt - 1 tsp

  • Dried Yeast - 7g (1 sachet)

  • Butter - 25g

  • Milk - 100g

  • Egg - 1 medium (beaten)

  • Apple - 1

  • Dried Cranberries - 100g

For the Topping

  • Flour - 30g

  • Butter - 10g

  • Apricot Jam - 3 tbsp

  • (Optional) Bourbon - 1 tbsp


Hot Cross Bun Step One - A little Fruity

First up is to prep your fruit. Using a fine grater, zest your oranges and lemons. You only want the very outer skin of them, the white zest underneath is bitter so don’t grate too much of that if you can.

Also, peel and core the apple. Grate half of it and very finely chop the other half (think 0.5 cm / 0.25 inch cubes).


Hot Cross Buns Step Two - Dairy

Place the dry ingredients into a large bowl; flour, sugar, orange and lemon zest, ground cinnamon, salt, yeast, and butter.

In separate pans, gently melt the butter and warm the milk (so that it reaches a tepid / lukewarm temperature).


Hot Cross Buns STEP Three - Dough

Form a well in the middle of the flour mix and pour in the; melted butter, beaten egg, and about half of the milk.

Using a fork, combine the wet ingredients into the dry mix. If the dough ball won’t pick up the flour at the bottom of the bowl, add a little more milk, and keep doing this until it’s just combined (you may not need all the milk).


Hot Cross Buns STEP Four - In Knead

If you’re using the mixer, this is the easy part for you. Using the dough hook attachments, add the apple and cranberries and knead on a low speed for about 15 minutes.

For those who fancy a workout, you’ll be kneading by hand (like me!). Put the dough on a lightly floured surface and using the heel of your hand, stretch the dough away from you, fold it back on top of itself, and repeat; then keep repeating... BBC Food has a good article on how to knead (BBC Food: Kneading). As you’re kneading, keep adding the apple and cranberries until they’re all incorporated.

Knead the dough for about 15 minutes until it goes slightly shiny - you’ll feel the dough’s resistance increase slightly as it approaches being done.


Hot Cross Buns STEP Five - First Proof

Transfer the dough to a lightly floured bowl, seal with clingfilm and leave somewhere warm four about 60 - 90 minutes until it doubles in size.



Hot Cross Buns STEP SIX - Rolling in it

Second Proof.jpg

Once the dough has proved, knock it back down whist it’s still in the bowl (using your fist, push down on the dough a couple of times to let the larger air bubbles escape and improve the dough’s consistency).

Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and using a knife, cut into 6 equal sections. Gently shape the sections into balls and place in a tray lined with grease proof paper.

Cover with clingfilm and leave somewhere warm four about 60 minutes or until it has doubled in size.


Hot Cross Buns STEP Seven- Brushing up


Whilst the dough is rising again, it’s time to make the cross for the top.

In a bowl, stir together the 30g of flour and 10g of butter. Add some water a little at a time until the mixture has combined.

Transfer to a floured chopping board and roll flat. Using a pizza cutter or sharp knife slice the dough into long strips.


Hot Cross Buns STEP Eight - Crosses

Ready to Bake.jpg

Once the dough has risen, remove the cling film.

Pre-heat the oven to 200°C for a fan oven (390°F).

Using a pastry brush, slightly wet the strips of dough for the topping, and carefully place in a cross formation on top of the buns. Trim any excess off with scissors or a sharp knife.

Place in the oven for 15-20 minutes until slightly browned.


Hot Cross Buns STEP Nine - Hot Cross Buns

Hot Cross Buns.jpg

Whilst the buns are cooking, in a bowl combine the apricot jam with either a little water - or if you’re using it a little bourbon. To turn the consistency into a thick liquid. This will be your glaze.

Once the buns are cooked, remove from the oven, and whilst still hot brush on the glaze using a pastry brush.

Allow to cool back to room temperature and either freeze or store in a cool place (they’ll last around 3 days if you don’t eat them first…)

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!