Raspberry Souffle Recipe

I know you think souffles are hard to make - this one is not! This super simple raspberry souffle recipe takes very little time to make, rises beautifully, and will impress anyone you’re cooking for. It’s loaded with raspberries, giving it an amazing fresh flavour, and you top it off with a sprinkling of icing sugar and a raspberry. It’s the perfect summer dessert.

Prep Time: 1 hours

Cook Time: 15 mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 2


  • Frozen Raspberries, defrosted - 350g (you can use fresh but they’re more expensive)

  • Caster Sugar - 85g

  • Corn Flour - 10g

  • Egg White - 1 egg

  • Unsalted butter - to grease ramekins

  • Icing sugar - to line ramekins and dust top


Raspberry Souffle Step One - RASPBERRY Puree

You can do steps one and two the day before if easier, then just make the last parts on the day.

Defrost and blend the raspberries, then pass through a sieve to remove the seeds (you may need to use a spoon to help the mix pass through the sieve). If there are still loads of seeds in the mix, pass through the sieve again.

You’re aiming to end up with about 150g of puree mix at the end.

Any excess you have left over is great on yogurt!


Raspberry Souffle Step Two - Raspberry Jam

Mix the corn flour with a few drops of water to make a paste.

Put the raspberry puree and 75g of the caster sugar into a pan (note; it’s not all the sugar in the ingredients list; you’ll need that extra 10g of sugar for later).

Bring the raspberry-sugar mix to the boil, then stir in the corn flour paste and continue to boil for a couple of minutes.

Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

The mix will keep in the fridge overnight if you want to make it the day before. Just bring it back up to room temperature before you’re ready to do step 3.


Raspberry Souffle Step THree - Line

Preheat the oven to 150°C (302°F) for a fan oven.

Very generously line 2 ramekins with the unsalted butter. Make sure everything’s covered as this will let the souffle rise more easily.

Dust the inside of the ramekins with icing sugar.


Raspberry Souffle Step Four - Whisk

Whisk the egg white on a low-medium speed, gradually adding the 10g of caster sugar and continuing to whisk until the mixture forms stiff peaks. This should take a few minutes.

If you’re feeling particularly daring, it’s at this stage you should be able to hold the bowl upside down above your head without the egg mix falling out… Good luck!


Raspberry Souffle Step Five - Fold

Add your raspberry paste to a bowl, then very gently fold in about a third of egg white mix. Trying not to crush too many of the bubbles in the egg whites, take your time and make sure it’s fully incorporated.

Repeat, folding in another third of the egg white mix, again being very gentle. It should be getting slightly easier to fold it in now.

Then repeat, folding in the final third of the egg whites.


Raspberry Souffle Step Six - fill


Gently spoon the souffle mix into the ramekins. Slightly over-fill them, then gently scrape off the excess with the back of a knife.

You can use you finger to wipe up any excess around the rim of the ramekin, also use a cloth to wipe down any spillage on the outside of the ramekin.

Gently place in the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Don’t open the oven whilst they’re baking!


Raspberry Souffle Step Seven - Raspberry Souffle

Raspberry Soufflle.jpg

Remove from the oven, dust with a little icing sugar (using a sieve at height) and top with a raspberry.

Serve straight away before they deflate.

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!