Looking for an cake that’s going to wow in Spring-Summer, try this rhubarb loaf cake. The refreshing, sourness of the rhubarb works amazingly with a sweet cake. In the recipe you collect (and pour over at the end) a delicious fresh rhubarb syrup, giving the cake an amazing zingy punch. I think the reason you don’t see many recipes for this is that rhubarb’s tricky to bake with (it has a really variable moisture content), you’ll see below though, we’ve got a little trick up out sleeve for that - it’ll work every time!

Rhubarb Cake Recipe

Prep Time: 30 Mins

Cook Time: 60 Mins

Difficulty: Easy

Serves: 1 Loaf Tin Sized Cake


  • Rhubarb - 600g

  • Caster Sugar - 200g

  • Double Cream (or Greek yoghurt, or milk) - 56g

  • Eggs - 3 Medium

  • Olive Oil - 156g

  • Plain Flour - 220g

  • Baking Powder - 1 tsp

  • Baking Soda - 0.25 tsp

  • Salt - 0.25 tsp

  • Vanilla Paste - 1 tsp (or 1 vanilla pod)

For the rhubarb syrup

  • Caster Sugar - 75g

  • You’ll collect the rhubarb juice from making the cake


  • Loaf Tin


Rhubarb Cake Step One - Stewed Rhubarb

Chop a length of rhubarb slightly shorter than the length of your loaf tin and set it aside for later (this with go on top of the cake just before it goes in the oven).

Chop the rest of the rhubarb into c. 1 inch (2-3cm) chunks, add to a pan (with a lid) and a splash of water. Heat on low-medium, stirring occasionally until it’s started to break down, you still want some lumps of rhubarb left.

Pour the stewed rhubarb into a sieve suspended over a bowl (you want to catch the juice), allow to strain for 10-15 minutes whilst you complete the next few steps.


Rhubarb Cake Step Two - Lining the Tin

Oil the loaf tin and place a cut sheet of baking paper to line the bottom and stop it sticking.

Pre-heat the oven to 160°C (180°C for non-fan ovens).

In a large bowl sieve together into one bowl the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.


Rhubarb Cake STEP Three - Rhubarb Oil

The trick here is not to whip much air into the wet mixture (the opposite of a normal cake) as for us the baking soda will give us the rise.

Add 150g of the rhubarb solids to a new bowl (different from the one with the flour mix in). Keep the rhubarb juice for later, but you can store any leftover rhubarb solids in a sealed container in the fridge.

Add the 200g of sugar, double cream, and vanilla paste into the bowl with the rhubarb solids in and whisk together.

Add in the eggs and oil and whisk (but only enough to combine, again we’re not trying to whisk too much air into the mix).


Rhubarb Cake STEP Four - Bring it All Together

Pour about a third of the liquid mix into the flour, and stir until combined. repeat with another third of the liquid, then the remaining third (it’s okay if there are still a few small lumps in there).

Pour the cake batter into the pre-lined tin and add the length of rhubarb on top.

Place in the over for c. 1hr to 1hr 1 min until it has risen, taken on some colour (note; whilst it’s cooking you can complete the next step). Once it’s cooked test with a skewer placed through the middle, it should come out clear of any batter, if it’s still got batter on it then cook for another 10 mins and try again.

Then remove from the oven and allow to start to cool.


Rhubarb Cake STEP Five - Rhubarb Syrup

Whilst the cake is cooking, pour 75g of the rhubarb juice into a pan with the 75g of the sugar for the syrup. Heat on a low heat stirring continuously until the sugar has dissolved fully. Transfer to a jug.

When the cake finished cooking, whilst still in the loaf tin, poke a few holes in it with a skewer (to help the syrup penetrate the cake). Pour over the syrup a little at a time.

Once soaked in, take the cake out of the tin and allow to cool.


Rhubarb Cake STEP SIX - Rhubarb Cake

Rhubarb Cake

Once the cake has cooled (or is still warm if you can’t wait that long) slice up and serve. It’ll keep 3-4 days if covered.

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!