Tartiflette Quiche Recipe

Thinking to yourself “I like quiche, but it just doesn’t remind me enough of sitting with a glass of rosé in a chalet in the French Alps”…? Me too! Don’t worry though, this tartiflette quiche recipe will sort you out. Taking the Quiche Lorraine and supplementing in tartiflette cheese, prosecco, thyme, flaky mustard pastry, and a potato top, this quiche will have you thinking you’re in a restaurant halfway down the piste!

Prep Time: 1.5 hours

Cook Time: 1 hour

Difficulty: Medium

Serves: 6


For the pastry (you can buy shortcrust if easier)

  • Flour - 200g

  • Butter - 150g

  • Mustard - 2 tbsp

For the quiche

  • Cheese (Reblochon, Gruyere, Comte) - 250g

  • Eggs - 5

  • Cream - 200ml

  • Milk - 100ml

  • Streaky Bacon - 250g

  • Baby Potatoes - 10 to 12

  • Thyme - 2 sprigs / 2 tsp dried

  • Garlic - 1 clove

  • Butter - to line the tin

  • (Optional) Prosecco / White Wine - 1 glass

Tip: if using Reblochon, I’d recommend only using about 150g, then 100g of a harder cheese like Gruyere.


Tartiflette Quiche Step One - Mustard PAstry

You can skip this step if you’ve bought pastry.

Put 150g of butter in the freezer for at least 45 minutes to freeze it.

Then put the flour in a bowl, and using a coarse grater, grate in the butter.

Using a wooden spoon / spatula (not your hands as it’ll melt the butter) mix together the butter and flour.

In a glass stir together the mustard and 3 tablespoons of water. Pour about a third of it into the pastry and still using the spoon stir it in. Repeat with another third, and then the final third.

Now you can use your hands just to quickly bring the pastry together (if it’s too dry add a touch more water).

Wrap in cling film and place in the fridge for at least 30 mins. You can carry on with the next step whilst you’re waiting.


Tartiflette Quiche Step Two - Bacon

Finely slice the bacon and add to a pan (ideally non-stick) with a touch of oil.

The temperature you cook the bacon at is important, it needs to be somewhere between low and medium as you’re trying to render down the fat but not burn the meat. Fat starts to render just below 60°C (140°F) but you need to hold it there for a while to completely remove it.

You’re aiming to cook the bacon for about 20-25 minutes. If the temperature’s right, after about 10-25 minutes you should see the fat start gently sizzling and more oil start to form in the pan.

Once the bacon is crispy and fat completely rendered, using a slotted spoon remove the bacon and put in a bowl for later. Leave the fat in the pan but remove from the heat.


Tartiflette Quiche Step Three - Drunken Potatoes

Thinly slice about half the potatoes (if you have a mandolin use a medium setting), add them to the pan that has the bacon fat in it, and add the garlic (thinly chopped) and thyme. You’ll need the other half of the potatoes later for the topping.

Put on a high heat until it starts to really sizzle, then pour in the prosecco.

Reduce the heat to medium and boil off the prosecco, stirring occasionally. If the liquid boils off before the potatoes are cooked, then keep adding a little water until they’re cooked through.

Once cooked, remove the pan from the heat and set aside for later.


Tartiflette Quiche Step Four - Tin Lining

Line a circa 22cm (8.5 inch) tart tin with a little butter.

Then coat the buttered tin in around a handful of your cheese (finely grated). if you want to line it with Reblochon then freeze the cheese before grating as it’ll make it easier.


Tartiflette Quiche Step Five - Pastry Casing

Remove the pastry from the fridge and roll out on a lightly floured surface, enough to completely case the tin.

Gently place the pastry in the tart tin, allowing it to reach all the corners. Allow the excess to flow over the edge of the tin. Gently pierce the base a few times with a fork.

Place on a tray and return to the fridge for 15 mins. Preheat the oven to 190°C (374°F) for a fan oven.

Line the pastry with grease proof paper and baking beans. Blind bake in the oven for 20 minutes.

Remove the grease proof paper and baking beans and cook in the oven uncovered for a further 5 minutes.

Remove from the oven and set aside (do not trim the edges yet).

Lower the oven temperature to 160°C (320°F).


Tartiflette Quiche Step Six - Quiche Mix


In a bowl mix together the eggs, double cream, milk, and the rest of the cheese (thinly grated - again if using Reblochon then freeze it first to make the grating easier).

Mix the bacon into the egg-cream mix.


Tartiflette Quiche Step Seven - Oven Ready

Oven Ready.jpg

Very thinly slice the rest of the potatoes (if you have a mandolin use a thin setting). Melt a little butter and coat the uncooked potato slices in it.

Line the bottom of the quiche with the cooked potato slices. Then pour over the egg-cheese mix. It won’t expand too much in the oven so if you have enough mix you can almost fill to the top.

Top the quiche mix with the thinly sliced uncooked potatoes in a spiral pattern. You still don’t need to trim the excess pastry yet.

Gently transfer to the oven (pre-heated at 160°C (320°F) for a fan oven).

Bake for around 45 minutes, until set in the middle.


Tartiflette Quiche Step Eight - Tartiflette Quiche

Tartiflette Quiche.jpg

Once set, remove from the oven and trim the excess pastry off using a sharp knife.

Allow to cool a little, remove from the tin, and serve. Or cool completely and serve later reheated or cold.

And that’s it, hope you enjoy!